Is your child struggling at school?

Our qualified clinical psychologists can help you make sense of what’s going on and guide you 

Our Tools & Methods for Psychoeducational Assessments

  • Standardised rating scales and questionnaires

    Used to gather structured information on learning difficulties from multiple perspectives.

  • Comprehensive interviews

    An in-depth interview to assess the DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria.

  • Objective cognitive assessments

    (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) or Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), and other validated cognitive tests.)

    These may include verbal tasks, pen-and-paper exercises, computer-based tests, and puzzle-solving activities.

  • Academic skills assessment

    Weschler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT).

  • Collateral information gathering

    We collect insights from school reports and interviews with family members and teachers to build a well-rounded understanding of the individual's learning difficulties.

 Frequently Asked Questions What are you wondering?

  • No, the approaches don’t differ. However, we do use age-appropriate tests:

    • Parent-report for children and younger adolescents

    • WIAT – delivered in a grade (year) specific manner

    • WAIS for under 16

    • WISC for over 16

    • Self-report for 16+

  • If academic or learning difficulties are identified during an ADHD or Autism assessment, we often recommend a psychoeducational assessment to gain a broader understanding of the issue. The scope of the assessment is discussed after we’ve collected the initial information.

  • A dedicated feedback session is offered as part of the assessment to go through the findings and recommendations. The detailed psychoeducational report that families get access to are also designed to be shared with educators and other professionals.

    We are also happy to answer follow-up questions post-assessment. “Cheat sheets” are provided to families that summarises strengths, weaknesses and strategies on a single page.

Have more questions? Give our friendly team a call, we are always happy to assist.

Want more insights into our Psychoeducational assessments or ready to book an appointment?