
What is perfectionism?

Perfectionism is the want or need to look, feel and/or “be” perfect or even the belief that perfection is possible.

Western culture places a high value on certain traits, such as:

  • having high expectations for ourselves and others

  • being extremely well organised

  • meeting clearly defined goals

  • having a well-established routine.

There is nothing wrong with establishing these habits, however, psychological science has shown that high levels of perfectionism predict psychological difficulties such as depression, anxiety, anger, eating disorders, adjustment to chronic pain, and more.

This is because perfectionism leads to reduced psychological flexibility. That is, people with perfectionistic tendencies have less ability to use coping strategies during times of substantial change.

Perfectionistic standards can have a host of consequences for your mental health and perfectionism often results in:

  • low self-esteem

  • inability to enjoy experiences in the here and now

  • frustration with people who don’t share your standards

  • exhaustion from the relentless drive for self-improvement.

Studies also show people with perfectionistic standards can have less professional success due to reduced productivity.

How we work with you to treat perfectionism

Our experienced clinical psychologists can help you to manage excessive perfectionism.

We’ll help you identify what’s behind your concerns, provide strategies for change and develop hope for the future.

We employ range of psychological strategies to help you manage perfectionistic tendencies and get on with life.

These strategies aim to increase your psychological flexibility and reduce the intensity and duration of distress. They include:

  • cognitive approaches – such as challenging fear of failure

  • behavioural strategies – like getting you to submit work that is below your preferred standard

  • mindfulness techniques – such as promoting non-judgement and cultivating acceptance.

Got questions about treatment for perfectionism or ready to book an appointment?